November 24, 2019
First Peter Series - Christ is King (1 Peter 3:13–22)
Speaker: Shel Boese
Join us on the final Sunday in the Western Church year, Christ the King Sunday!
As we continue our First Peter Series, we will look at a challenging bit of the New Testament addressing how to think about threats and real suffering inflicted by empires against followers of Jesus. Peter addresses being a jerk and asks believers to “check ourselves”--are we suffering for Christ? In the midst of it, the author pulls on the teachings of Jesus and a strange ancient Jewish text, 1 Enoch.
What can we learn about risking more for Jesus and engaging ancient wisdom around suffering?
First Peter Series - Christ is King (1 Peter 3:13–22)
Speaker: Shel Boese
Join us on the final Sunday in the Western Church year, Christ the King Sunday!
As we continue our First Peter Series, we will look at a challenging bit of the New Testament addressing how to think about threats and real suffering inflicted by empires against followers of Jesus. Peter addresses being a jerk and asks believers to “check ourselves”--are we suffering for Christ? In the midst of it, the author pulls on the teachings of Jesus and a strange ancient Jewish text, 1 Enoch.
What can we learn about risking more for Jesus and engaging ancient wisdom around suffering?