July 5, 2020, 10 AM
The True Mark: Radical Forgiveness, John 8:1-11
“DO YOU COMMIT SIN? Enter the church and repent of your sin; for here is the Physician, not the judge; here one is not investigated, one receives remission of sins.” —St. John Chrysostom Join us Sunday at 10 AM to hear from Andrés Pérez González as he shares with us from the gospel of John.
Join us Sunday at 10 AM LIVE right here.
The True Mark: Radical Forgiveness, John 8:1-11
“DO YOU COMMIT SIN? Enter the church and repent of your sin; for here is the Physician, not the judge; here one is not investigated, one receives remission of sins.” —St. John Chrysostom Join us Sunday at 10 AM to hear from Andrés Pérez González as he shares with us from the gospel of John.
Join us Sunday at 10 AM LIVE right here.