honest advent 3, counselor + father, Andrés Pérez González
Isaiah 9:6, Hebrews 2:16-18, John 1:1-3
"For that which He has not assumed He has not healed." —Gregory of Nazianzus (4th Century Church Father).
Jesus revealed as the Wonderful Counselor assumes the whole of our existence in order to heal the whole of our existence. He became human so we would know He had nothing to hide. He lived in a complicated world so He could relate to the complexity of our world. His name is God-with-us so we would know we are prized. Through the Incarnation, we find a space where we are seen, heard, known, and prized as we experience healing and move towards holistic restoration in order to discover the scandalous revelation that we are not orphans but sons and daughters of the Everlasting Father! He is forever tied to us and we are forever tied to him. We can never not be tied to him. This is our inheritance as the beloved offspring of the Maker of all things!
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honest advent 3, counselor + father, Andrés Pérez González
Isaiah 9:6, Hebrews 2:16-18, John 1:1-3
"For that which He has not assumed He has not healed." —Gregory of Nazianzus (4th Century Church Father).
Jesus revealed as the Wonderful Counselor assumes the whole of our existence in order to heal the whole of our existence. He became human so we would know He had nothing to hide. He lived in a complicated world so He could relate to the complexity of our world. His name is God-with-us so we would know we are prized. Through the Incarnation, we find a space where we are seen, heard, known, and prized as we experience healing and move towards holistic restoration in order to discover the scandalous revelation that we are not orphans but sons and daughters of the Everlasting Father! He is forever tied to us and we are forever tied to him. We can never not be tied to him. This is our inheritance as the beloved offspring of the Maker of all things!
CONNECT: https://www.pilgrimchurch.ca/connect
GIVE: https://www.pilgrimchurch.ca/give.html
NEW LINK! CATCH-UP (after the service): Join us here!
Transcript from sections of dropped audio during today's livestream:
1. Lies that tell us that if you’re a confessing Christian and you’re suffering you are weak and you should get over it, trust more, believe more, be strong, pray more, more, more, more, more and someday you’ll reach Jesus. 2. In the deepest darkest corner of the universe, in the midst of silence, and abandonment, and pain, in the deepest, farthest corner of our existence, a child is born. And his love keeps expanding, and expanding, and expanding, all throughout the universe screaming the truest of truths: that we are not alone, but Emmanuel, God is now with us, and he is revealed to us as an Everlasting Father. FOR REFLECTION AND DISCUSSION (added after teaching):
- Read Isaiah 9:6, Hebrews 2:16-18, and John 1:1-3 again. 1. In the sermon we spoke about Christ revealed as a Counselor, a High Priest, and a Father. Which one stood out for you? Why? 2. How does the truth of the incarnation of Jesus (according to Hebrews 2:16-18) impact our daily lives? 3. "What is not assumed is not healed." - Gregory of Nazianzus (4th century church father). In your own words, try to explain this quote. How does this affect our understanding of the word becoming flesh? 4. "He became what we are so that we might become what he is". - Athanasius (4th century). What do you think this means? How does this affect our understanding of what a Christian life is or is supposed to be? 5. What are some of your personal struggles in this season of Advent/Covid? How have you seen God moving in the midst of this situation? Encourage each other. 6. What are some practical ways through which we can remain aware of the ever present God-with-us in times of darkness and trial? 7. How can we, as home churches, share about the love and peace of the incarnate Christ with our friends, families, and neighbours in times of Covid/lockdown? |