Peace with God, Tradition + Tribe, Luke 10:30-37 "Christianity calcifies when tradition (the living faith of the dead) becomes traditionalism (the dead faith of the living)" -Jaroslav Pelikan Fear and self-preservation are powerful instincts, yet Jesus shows us these instincts and emotions must be checked by love. What traditions and balkanizations do we hold that keep us from being better people? This Sunday in our Peace With God Series, we explore five ways Jesus undoes our religious approaches to God. EMAIL QUESTIONS HERE or TEXT: 604-426-1230 CONNECT WITH US HERE GIVE HERE CATCH-UP (after the service): Join us here! |
CORE TEXTS: Luke 10:30-37, John 4:4-26, 39-42, Mark 3:33-35, Matthew 9:17
"Christianity calcifies when tradition (the living faith of the dead) becomes traditionalism (the dead faith of the living)" -Jaroslav Pelikan Fear and self-preservation are powerful instincts, yet Jesus shows us these instincts and emotions must be checked by love. What traditions and balkanizations do we hold that keep us from being better people? This Sunday in our Peace With God Series, we explore five ways Jesus undoes our religious approaches to God. FIVE T's Review - JOHN 4:4-26, 39-42
God is now intimately here and present, "A time is coming—indeed, it's here now!—when you will fall in love with Jesus" (108). TRADITION! (ch 10) "Christianity calcifies when tradition (the living faith of the dead) becomes traditionalism (the dead faith of the living)" -Jaroslav Pelikan (Cavey, EOR2, 139). + Oral Torah, More Converative than God... + Guardrails are ok but if the guard rails are put across the road... - Mark 7:9 Nullify the word by traditions! + Reformed and Reforming - St. Augustine of Hippo: “Ecclesia semper reformanda est (The Church is always reforming)” + Radical Reformation, Putting the "Ana" in Baptist + Wineskins, Matthew 9:17 + What would Jesus wear to Church? + Tearing down walls TRIBALISM/BALKANIZATION + A disclaimer from a South Dakota native ...Balkanization + The Mission of Israel - Prophets + The Good Samaritan Luke 10:30-37 - How to love our neighbour? Who is our neighbour? - We Love God by... 159 1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ + Mark 3:33-35 + Newly Discovered Relatives! FINAL WORD HOME CHURCHQUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION AND DISCUSSION1. What are your thoughts about the following quotes?
+ If we acknowledge that the Pharisees were the respectable, pious people of the time, then we have to admit that Jesus had little patience with respectable, pious people (William C. Placher). + The Pharisees were good, faithful, religious people of their day. And it is good, faithful, religious people of every era who find themselves in conflict with Jesus (Beverly Roberts Gaventa). 2. Read Matthew 9:17 + What does this phrase teach us? + What are "old wineskins" in our church community contexts? 3. Augustine speaks of the church always reforming. When we look at the church in North America, Canada, Vancouver, what are ways we have or have not embraced always reforming around Jesus? 4. What areas of your life do you resist "reformation"? 5. If you have a religious background, see how many "traditions of the elders" you can identify from your past experience. What positive or negative effects has your experience with religious tradition had on your spiritual growth? 6. Read again the Good Samaritan passage of Luke 10:30-37 + Talk about which character do you think you would be? + When given some of the historical context, what do you think about the power of the story? + Who would be a "Samaritan" in our culture(s)? 7. "Spiritual Family" is a phrase we use a lot to emphasize the tearing down of kinship-only-matters walls. In what ways can we affirm the secular family structure, in what ways does Jesus' challenge our "family values"? Mark 3:33-35 8. Other things this teaching raises for you? |