9:30 AM (In-person + livestream, Pilgrim campus) 11:15 AM (In-person, IBC campus) PEACE WITH SELF SERIES, LET GO! Releasing Power and Control Through the Wall of Deconstruction Matthew 5:3 We usually only learn to release the need to control circumstances or situations by an experience of “The Wall” or what is often called deconstruction. When we let go of this false power and control, we mature and receive the very life we were trying to achieve. This is an upside-down life principle. We don’t give up our personal say-so or power, but when faced with challenges, we learn to lean into grace, and become graceful. EMAIL QUESTIONS HERE or TEXT: 604-426-1230 CONNECT WITH US HERE GIVE HERE |
TEXTS: 1 John 4:18, Philippians 4:12, Ephesians 1:4, Matthew 5:3, Luke 18:9-14, 1 Corinthians 7:29-31
For many, when we go back to go forward, we end up hitting a wall. Other times, we are brought to a wall in our lives by circumstances and crises beyond our control.
At some point, all followers of Jesus hit the wall. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality helps us become aware of the wall and understand a way through it.
The Jesus Way is a "Way"—it's a journey with movement, action, stops and starts, detours, delays, and trips into the unknown (117, EHS).
Many believers are stuck and deconstructing. They fail to see that this is part of the journey, not the whole journey! God works at our wall, but growth requires this experience to go through the wall.
For many, when we go back to go forward, we end up hitting a wall. Other times, we are brought to a wall in our lives by circumstances and crises beyond our control.
At some point, all followers of Jesus hit the wall. Emotionally Healthy Spirituality helps us become aware of the wall and understand a way through it.
The Jesus Way is a "Way"—it's a journey with movement, action, stops and starts, detours, delays, and trips into the unknown (117, EHS).
Many believers are stuck and deconstructing. They fail to see that this is part of the journey, not the whole journey! God works at our wall, but growth requires this experience to go through the wall.
Life on the Other Side of the Wall, 126 EHS
A greater level of brokenness, Matthew 5:3, Luke 18:9-14
In the name of standing for truth, we can become horribly judgmental. But those who have been through the wall see their own arrogance first. “Before we go through the Wall, we prefer to exercise the right to determine good and evil rather than leave this knowledge to God” (EHS, 127). Now we know better.
The Beatitudes, Matthew 5:3 - Blessed are the poor in spirit, stripped of elevating themselves above others.
Freed from judging others
All cultures, all backgrounds, get core identity in the kind of judgment which is sinful—distorting and devaluing fellow Image Bearers.
Greater Appreciation of Exodus 3:2, 13:21, Psalm 18:11.
To explore: Apophatic theology
A Deeper __________________
Psalm 27:14, 130:5-6, Numbers 12:3, 1 Samuel 16 - 2 Samuel 1, Luke 4:14
Greater ___________________
1 Corinthians 7:29-31
“Am I free?” is more important than “Am I happy?”
A greater level of brokenness, Matthew 5:3, Luke 18:9-14
In the name of standing for truth, we can become horribly judgmental. But those who have been through the wall see their own arrogance first. “Before we go through the Wall, we prefer to exercise the right to determine good and evil rather than leave this knowledge to God” (EHS, 127). Now we know better.
The Beatitudes, Matthew 5:3 - Blessed are the poor in spirit, stripped of elevating themselves above others.
Freed from judging others
All cultures, all backgrounds, get core identity in the kind of judgment which is sinful—distorting and devaluing fellow Image Bearers.
Greater Appreciation of Exodus 3:2, 13:21, Psalm 18:11.
To explore: Apophatic theology
A Deeper __________________
Psalm 27:14, 130:5-6, Numbers 12:3, 1 Samuel 16 - 2 Samuel 1, Luke 4:14
Greater ___________________
1 Corinthians 7:29-31
“Am I free?” is more important than “Am I happy?”
For Reflection and Discussion
(From Emotionally Healthy Spirituality study guide)