10:30 AM (in-person, NO LIVESTREAM) 2021 ADVENT SERIES: Good Gifts Naked and Unashamed Genesis 2:4, 25; 3:7 We are exploring more about the gift of the body, and in particular how the church often ignores our ongoing sexual formation, leaving it up to purity culture or swiping culture. Leaning into teaching from both the Deeply Formed Life, by Rich Villodas, and a bit more from Dr. McBride, we will hopefully learn new ways to think about the gift of sexuality and the body. EMAIL QUESTIONS HERE or TEXT: 604-426-1230 CONNECT WITH US HERE GIVE HERE |
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Provoking the Texts
DESTINATION [BIG IDEA/S] Moving away from purity culture and swiping culture, to a Holy Spirit guided view of body and sexuality/expression. FLIGHT/CRUISE What is Sexuality? Speaking of Shame Sexual Formation: Three Diets 1. _________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. _________________________ Sexual De-Formed Messages: Four Promising Questions (149)
“Consuming bodies” Objectification Sober Sexuality - Sobriety is about honesty—being truthful and transparent. Laying down our false self. How do we get real? Social Sexuality DESCENT & LANDING For Reflection and Discussion(From Deeply Formed Life Study Guide)