10:30 AM (in-person + livestream + kids!) 2021 ADVENT SERIES: Good Gifts Spirit & Fire Luke 3:16; 11:5-13 When you’re ‘caught up’ in music, games, a movie, dance, or something awe-inspiring, you experience a taste of how God wants to empower you directly, personally, and in/through your body and mind together. These signposts of play and beauty point to the creator who desires that you experience delight. Are you drawn to choose to welcome the power created in your body and mind to grow in love and care for others? Are your relationships taking the form of goodness and truth? This power is the presence and ministry of the Holy Spirit who makes Jesus real in you; power to live differently, power to preserve under pressure, power to reject choices that destroy love; power to speak words that advance the creational work of God—creating new things and situations where goodness and love grows. EMAIL QUESTIONS HERE or TEXT: 604-426-1230 CONNECT WITH US HERE GIVE HERE |
In one sense every Christian is, and should be, increasingly charismatic. We learn from Paul, but it is also true that there is a dimension of the Spirit's enabling that one enters by virtue of a baptism-filling in the Spirit distinct from conversion. This dimension might be properly called the prophetic dimension. In Luke's perspective, the community of faith is potentially a community of prophets; and it is by reception of the Pentecostal gift (Spirit-filling/baptism) that this potential is realized. --Glen Menzies 197 The Spirit-filled life is not a special, deluxe edition of Christianity. It is part and parcel of the total plan of God for His people. --A.W. Tozer “Neither in the Old Testament nor in the New, nor in Christian testimony as found in the writings of the saints as far as my knowledge goes, was any believer ever filled with the Holy Spirit who did not know he had been filled. Neither was anyone filled who did not know when he was filled. And no one was ever filled gradually.” TAKEOFF Luke 3:16; 11:5-13 CEB FLIGHT Saving power, Sharing power, Staying power