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10:30 AM (communion + potluck) ADVENT 2 Wage Peace with Shel Boese 2 Corinthians 10:1-11 NT Wright notes, "There is no insight, no vision of truth, so noble and lofty that it cannot be perverted and made an instrument of human pride. Likewise, there is no small glimmer of light, no faint echo of reality, so small or corrupt that it cannot be taken into the service of the world's creator and rightful Lord...All truth is God's truth." The Peace Jesus brings is not passive—it calls us into action and satisfies our hearts' longings. But we do wage a battle with various ideologies wanting to claim us vs. the way of Jesus. How do we fight these battles? Paul gives us some insights we will learn this Sunday.
Pre Flight Story
OUTLINE:Guthrie IV. Paul Confronts the Malignant Ministry of His Opponents 10:1-13:13 A. Present of Absent, Paul's Authority is the Same 10:1-11 1. Meekness not weakness 10:1-2 2. Spiritual warfare according to God's standards 10:3-7a 3. The apostle's claim to authority 10:7b-11 B. Proper and Improper Boasting 10:12-18 THE FLIGHT THROUGH THE PASSAGE 1. Meekness not weakness 10:1-2
Garland, “He is defending his authority, explaining theological significance of his weakness, and warning of his power and willingness to discipline the disobedient vigorously when he comes” (Guthrie, 466).
2. Spiritual warfare according to God’s standards 10:3-7a
2) every rampart raised against knowledge of God Paul sees our mind as a battleground. The teachings and life of Jesus give us a grid for self-reflection.
3. The apostle’s claim to authority 10:7b-11 Three primary thoughts in the last verses 2 Corinthians 10:7b-11 today...
LANDING AND ARRIVAL For Discussion and Reflection