MAY 21, 2023
10:30 AM (+ communion) FIVE SHIFTS OF TRUE REVIVAL + REFORMATION A reformation is a period of recalibration and course-correction. Any community around for as long as the church will experience inevitable drift over time. Yet the Spirit has worked again and again throughout history to draw the church back toward its center. Key moments come when particular ideas and practices are rethought and core truths are rediscovered. Rapid cultural and technological change, clergy scandals, church divisions, and political turmoil have resulted in a period where “deconstruction” is the buzzword. Many Christians find themselves rethinking their faith, and many outside the church dismiss Christianity as having nothing true or relevant left to say to the world. THIS SUNDAY: Shift 4 THE FIREPLACE INSIDE YOU Acts 1:1-8, Acts 2:1-4, 1 Corinthians 12:12-14 The fire inside you impels you to act. In this day, followers of Jesus need to have an encounter with the spiritual fire of God more than ever. We are called to learn again from the early church the Pentecostal Christianity that empowers us. The fourth element of this new move of God is: “A clarified purpose and a fresh empowerment The Holy Spirit empowers us to partner in God’s work of reconciling all things.”
Acts 1:1-8, Acts 2:1-4, 1 Corinthians 12:12-14 May 18th, Ascension of The Lord (Th) Experiences Matter The mystical life is normal Christian Life... “Mystical experiences are not foreign to scriptural tradition but are the norm within scriptural tradition. These mystics found in Scripture—and I only mentioned ten, there are many more—are witnesses to the possibility of mystical experiences in our own lives.… By ‘mystics,’ we simply mean a person who seeks, and at some level attains, a direct experience within the mystery of God.” (Zahnd, WETOF, 125). Management or Manifestation? Control or Order? Jesus’ Gospel
“Like the disciples, we have a habit of looking in the wrong places, waiting on the sky when the kingdom is already all around us, emerging from dry bones and mustard seeds from fallow ground as the Spirit breathes it to life.” Application - Now What?
For Discussion and Reflection