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10:30 AM (kids + communion) Proper 29 - Reign of Christ, Year C Christ the King with Josh Liem Jeremiah 23:1-6, Colossians 1:11-20, Luke 23:33-38 Christ is King. In the final week of the liturgical calendar, we will focus on this rich statement using the lens’ of Jeremiah, Paul, and Luke. Do you feel scattered, anxious, or at a loss for how to cope with news about unrest and executions in Iran, or the mental health, housing, and opioid crisis in Vancouver, or paying your bills amidst the third recession in three decades? The kings and kingdoms of this world will offer you solutions in exchange for your allegiance, but it is only Christ the Shepherd / Pantocrator / Crucified King that can promise true and lasting justice, peace, and hope.
Last week, we considered how our calendars shape us deeply. By changing from our yearly (Gregorian) calendar to the church’s liturgical calendar, how might we grow as disciples of Christ?
Christ the King Sunday occurs at the end of the liturgical calendar, right before Advent season begins. It emphasizes Christ’s dominion over all of creation, and it leads towards anticipating Christ’s second coming in Advent season. The Revised Common Lectionary is a tried-and-tested selection of readings for worship gatherings, split over a three year timeframe, that considers the seasons in the calendar. They value having multiple biblical books read each week throughout the year, which encourages dialogue with the authors’ different lenses. These three passages come from the Revised Common Lectionary, Year C, Reign of Christ Sunday. Today, we’ll focus on three images of Christ the King presented in these readings. Jeremiah 23:1-6 — the Shepherd King Colossians 1:11-20 — The Παντοκράτωρ / Pantocrator / Sustainer of All Luke 23:33-38 — The Crucified King The Big Idea: All kings and kingdoms demand our allegiance. What is different about Christ? For Discussion and ReflectionWarm up: Have you heard Kanye West’s Jesus is King album? What kind of Jesus does he portray in his lyrics and in his life? How does it compare to these passages in Jeremiah, Luke, and Colossians?