Our hearts are feeling pretty full after the last month of summer camps. It’s hard to even know how to explain everything that happened and all that God did. After years of prayer, planning, development and God’s unrelenting faithfulness, we were able to run a full month of summer camps at Camp Falcon Rock! Last summer we opened up the doors for a youth camp, and this year we were able to run a summer of programs for kids and youth of all ages. The theme and message we shared with campers this year was “Building the Kingdom of God”. We were excited to share with them about who Jesus is and what his mission for us and this world, is all about. We could have never imagined how much this theme was going to come to life in the ministry of the camp. It was truly amazing to see God building his kingdom before our very eyes as we saw kids and youth respond to the Gospel. Thank you to all of you who covered these programs with prayer, support and encouragement. You too were co-builders of the kingdom this summer at Camp Falcon Rock. Praise God for his wondrous works and for the power of the body of Christ!
And so it begins …. our summer camp ministry season is almost here! After a full and busy spring for our camp staff and with the support of two NAB churches, Central Baptist (Edmonton) and Whitecourt Baptist (Whitecourt), our cabins are almost ready for hosting. In just over a week children, youth, volunteers and staff will be filling these spaces. Take a look at 1 of our 4 completed cabins below!! MISSION TEAM SEASON
It is truly beautiful these days in the village! The sun is out most every day and everyone is in the fields turning, burning and planting seeds. Even my 9 year old niece Kayte who visited this past month, joined in the village life and helped our 11 year old neighbour as she planted onions in her parents field! I still am deciding whether I’ll have time to plant and care for my garden this year. I always say my plants have to be pretty strong to survive in my garden as I generally have to neglect them when summer programs start. With the full summer we have planned, I may let my garden rest this year! We’ve entered into mission team season already. We’ve started a lot earlier this year as generally we don’t see teams arrive until late Spring, but this year our first team came in February!! It’s encouraging for us to have so many churches and individuals interested in serving alongside the ministry. We’re blown away by how many people are willing to sacrifice their time and money to come support the development of Camp Falcon Rock. We are living in a winter wonderland these days! The snow just keeps on falling with no end in sight. The camp has been overtaken by it! It is extremely beautiful to see and a lot of fun for us and the teens to do some winter activities but it is definitely making it hard for the camp work crew to get up there each day and work on construction. We're hoping to make it up there next week with the teens for a tubing day!
Back Home in Romania!We had a solid work-day at our home yesterday to get us ready for winter. Paul and I finished harvesting the garden by pulling out the last of our potatoes and we stocked up the boiler room with wood to heat our house. The temperature is starting to drop so the fires have begun! We’ve got a huge stack of trees from the forest still needing to be chopped but that’ll have to happen on our next work-day.